In the jungles of the Amazon

In the middle of the Amazon jungle, seven hours by boat from the closest hospital, I cut off my fingertip with a machete. This is how I spent my Christmas: I flew to Manaus, a big ugly port city on the Amazon river, where the warm, slow, black Rio Negro and the cooler, faster, sandy Rio Solimões […]

5 reasons I don’t pick up my phone (and neither should you!)

So my poor telephone is on its last legs, and I’m finally breaking down and getting a shiny new iPhone, for a wide variety of reasons. (It’s pretty! It does “smart” stuff that my StupidPhone Blackberry can’t! It can play music and take photos that don’t look totally terrible! Designing iPhone apps will be easier […]

Learning from (loving your) mistakes

In the interest of continuing my forays into self-directed and hand-generated projects, I’ve been taking a screenprinting class at the fantastic Roberts Street Social Centre the past few weeks. It’s been fantastic, and I’m so glad I took a class instead of learning it myself—while I do love teaching myself new skills, the setup would […]

Sarah 2.0

So I’ve moved yet again and am just getting back on my feet. For anyone who may be interested in sending me lovely things in the mail, my new address is as follows: TRIGGERS & SPARKS GRAPHIC DESIGNS 6987 Vaughan Avenue, Halifax NS B3L 2M2

Moving Madness

In the last year, I have moved three times: one in October, when I moved out of my apartment in Lunenburg to share an apartment with my boyfriend; once in March, when I moved all my things from my studio in Lunenburg into aforementioned apartment (which started to look really, really full), and then just […]

Six Steps To a Better Website

I gave a presentation to my BBC group last week, giving some tips and guidelines for how to make a website more effective. It’s aimed towards the non-technical person, though implementation of much of the advice would likely require a designer or developer’s help. However, I thought it might be a useful resource, especially if […]

Things I Like Today

I think I really like Instapaper, when I actually remember to use it. I have a tendency to look at something long and tedious, then either bookmark it and forget about it, or print it and have my cat turn it into long-winded confetti. Instapaper is a really neat way of storing these “things I […]

Dear Yahoo:

My job is not stress-free! I am pretty much a constant bundle of stress. And while I realize your article is more of an advertorial than anything, I still have to disagree.

The Virgo and the Pixel

I’m beginning to learn my life would be far easier if I were capable of just letting things alone already. Instead, I redesign, I redesign, I redesign, and I’m never happy with what I’ve come up with after having spent forty hours staring at it at 400% magnification, trying to get divs to line up […]

Design: 0. Madness: 12.

The last few months have brought about a lot of personal madness. Design work, as I’m discovering, isn’t as accomodating towards mental chaos as other forms of artistic expression are, thus I’ve let things stagnate. Why don’t humans hibernate in the winter? Nothing would make me happier than eating a lot and sleeping through the […]
