No More Paycheque

Well, it’s now official. As I write this, I have an hour and fifteen minutes left of my day job. I’m hoping this means more sleep in my future, but it’ll also mean a lot less money—a lot of people think I’m crazy for leaving a well-paying job at a company that treats their employees like gold, but somewhere amidst the butterflies and churning in my stomach, I’m sure it’s the right choice.

Things I’ll miss: overcoming technical obstacles. Playing with Flash. How warm it is in the morning, when the pilot lights have just kicked in. Seeing my designs in something that ships hundreds of thousands of units all over the world. Sneaking miniscule phrases like “Rugby boys have pretty legs.” into icons used in such. Medical benefits.

Things I won’t miss: freaking out when my alarm clock doesn’t work. Never getting to go out dancing on a Thursday night. Being stuck inside when it’s sunny and gorgeous outside. Design that involves balls. Seriously, if I never see a ball again, it’ll be too soon.