Chocolatey fuel

Have I mentioned how much I love my clients? I checked the mailbox yesterday and found a box full of delicious chocolate muffins (thank goodness customs didn’t open the box!), accompanied by this note: Hi Sarah, So sorry to hear that you lost a considerable amount of work when water spilled on your computer. While […]

Lazy Sundays

Well, it’s been a long, long, long time in the making, but I’ve finally updated my portfolio a teeny little bit (not too much to be overwhelming, of course!) There’s this portrait of my gorgeous little sister: and a “new” website (that was completed months ago). I really don’t like updating my own website! But […]

On loss, and recovery

I have a terrible tendency to throw what I refer to as “all night work parties”, which usually end up comprising about two and a half days straight of me staring into my laptop, clacking away and forgetting to sleep or come up for air. They’re admittedly not the most glaringly healthy way of getting […]
